How To Do Social Media Optimization On Facebook

How To Do Social Media Optimization On Facebook

If you are really looking for How To Do Social Media Optimization On Facebook then you landed on the right place. Before going to see this we need some information regarding social media optimization.

What Is Social Media Optimization?

It is a one kind of digital marketing technique; where we can optimise the facebook page in the right manner.

Why Do We Need Social Media Optimization On Facebook?

To Build a strong online presence for our brand. Along With:

  • Organic Visibility
  • Trust
  • Brand Awareness
  • Social Signals For SEO
  • & More.

To do Social Media Optimization first you need to create a facebook page for your brand.

How To Create A Facebook Page?

  • Login in to your Facebook account
  • Navigate to Pages section
  • Then click on create a new page
  • And Follow the below steps to optimise your profile.

So, Let’s See How To Do Social Media Optimization On Facebook:

Steps To Optimise Facebook Profile

Things To Be Optimised:

  • Profile Name
  • Profile Photo
  • Facebook Cover
  • Profile Bio
  • User name
  • Page Info.

Profile Name:

It is the most important part, just choose the right name Like Adapt Right and click on next.

Profile Photo:

Before Creating or optimising your facebook profile keep the original logo ready with you.

Dimensions of the logo will be Width 500 & Height 500. It must and should be PNG.

Facebook Cover:

After profile photo; we need to upload the facebook cover. Because it is very important while showcasing your profile to others.

Facebook cover dimensions will be Width 1640 & Height 924

If you want a Logo or Facebook cover try creating them with canva.

Profile Bio:

Is nothing but telling people about your business in short.


It plays a key role in social media optimisation; Like a name reservation for yourself or brand in Facebook.

Ex: adaptrightofficial

Page Info:

This is the most important part in optimisation; here you need to fill lot of things like:

  • Page Category
  • Address
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Other Social Media Profiles
  • Website URL
  • Privacy Policy
  • Opening Hours
  • And More.

Page Category:

According to your brand just choose the right category from the page category section. Our page category in Marketing Agency; Because we are into digital marketing and advertising services.


If you mention the right address, For users it is easy to find and navigate to your location (if you are providing any on-site digital marketing services)

Email & Phone:

Providing the right email & phone will help your customers to reach out to you instantly.

Note: While mentioning the Name, Address And Phone (NAP); Please Give the same NAP around the web.

Social Media Profiles:

Add all of your social brand profiles in the page info section like Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin & More.

 Website URL & Privacy Policy:

As personnel or business if you have a Website don’t forget to give it to Facebook and also tell your privacy policy to facebook audience.

Opening Hours:

Does your business have any working hours then tell it to people.

Last but not least, if you want to verify your Facebook page but are unsure how to go about it, read How Do I Request A Verified Badge On Facebook for Business or Profile Facebook Page.


What is the SMO strategy?

Businesses are encouraged by social media optimisation (SMO) to evaluate, track, and modify their content to comply with social media best practices. The preferred method for all business types to increase their social media presence is to post content on websites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Which is better: SEO or SMO?

The main distinction between the two is that while SMO assists in directing content towards the target audience, SEO assists in directing consumers to the material.


We hope that you have got enough information on this How To Do Social Media Optimization On Facebook article. If you really find this useful just share it with your friends and family.

Thanks for reading the article.

Lastly If you are looking for any social media optimization services feel free to contact us.

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