Guide To Creating A Memorable Logo


Looking for a Guide To Creating A Memorable Logo? The logo is your brand’s face, and it has to be UNFORGETTABLE to make a solid first impression on visitors.

The world has changed. People have shorter attention spans nowadays. 

In fact, according to Northeastern Global News, psychologists who have studied this matter for the past twenty years have found that our abilities to focus on one thing have dropped from an average of 2½ minutes to around 45 seconds.

The point is you only have seconds to act. Either make the visitor your loyal fan or bore them away. And since you’re here, I’m pretty sure you want to do the first one.

And for that here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a memorable logo that sticks with the customer’s brand and speaks volumes. 

However, before diving in, let’s take a moment to understand what makes a logo memorable. 

Understanding that will help us in the logo designing journey.

What Makes a Logo Memorable?

What Makes a Logo Memorable?

The typeface, the font, the icon, the shapes, the outlines, all these things help a logo become memorable.

You can choose a set that resonates with your brand. While a handwritten font can’t be used for a law firm, it would make perfect sense if your brand sells handmade objects.

Now that you know the basics of creating a memorable logo, let’s dive into the steps right away!

Step #1: Research and Conceptualization:

a) Understanding Your Brand Values:

Firstly, take a deep breath and understand your brand values.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • What is the purpose of my business?
  • What makes my business unique from competitors?
  • Who am I trying to reach? 
  • If my brand was a person, how would it be?
  • How strong are my web design and other design materials? 

Once you have a clear idea of who you are and what you are trying to achieve, you can move on to the next step.

b) Studying The Competition:

Studying the competition doesn’t mean bluntly copying what your competition has produced; it means taking inspiration from it. 

Be assured; there’s nothing wrong with that!

Create a list of your competitors and analyze what makes their logos so calming, charming, attractive, funny, or whatever emotion they provoke. 

Once you understand the “why,” you’ll be ready for the next step.

Step #2: Brainstorming:


Often neglected, this solution can solve most of your problems, and yes, we are talking beyond logo design. Brainstorming usually leads to actionable ideas that can transform your brand.

Everyone has a different version of brainstorming. Some like sketching their thoughts on paper, while others jump on Adobe Illustrator. That said, it depends on how you want to do it.

Decide on a Type of Logo Design You Want:

There are many kinds of logos. Let’s take an overview of them one by one:

1. Monogram:

Monograms are usually the initials of business. Examples are NASA, HBO, and IBM.


2. Wordmarks:

These are similar to monograms but with words. These work amazingly for businesses that have longer names. A few examples are Google and Disney.


3. Pictorials:

Also known as brand marks or logo symbols. For example, Apple, Target, or McDonald’s.


4. Combination:

Then we have combination logos, which, as the name explains, are a combination of a few. They can be wordmarks or monograms attached with pictures and images. Examples include Dorritos and Burger King.

burger king

Choose the one you want to go with. 


Perfect! Let’s move on to the next step.

Step #3: Designing the Logo

You have chosen the design, and the rough sketches are right in front of you. What are you waiting for? 

Hit up a logo designer —you can easily find one with a simple search “logo design” followed by your state. For example, if you’re in LA, look up “Logo design in Los Angeles” —and start working.

If you don’t like the idea of hiring a designer, below are a few tools to help you do it yourself; however, keep in mind these logos will not be professional or unique. The brand image you create on these tools may be too similar to someone else’s brand who will use the same tools. 

  • Canva
  • LogoMaker
  • Shopify

Experimenting With Typography and Shapes:

There is no one-size-fits-all typeface. You must experiment with different variations to find your brand’s aesthetics. 

However, you must remember the psychology behind colors and fonts. 

We already discussed how a handwriting font won’t work for a law firm. 

Even shapes impact the visitor’s emotions. Round is associated with completeness and endless possibilities. Similarly, every shape is associated with emotions.

So, you have to experiment until you find something that clicks!

Step #4: Feedback and Revision:


Congrats! The first draft is done, and your brand has a solid-looking logo. But wait!? 

Are you sure it’s solid-looking? That’s when you need an opinion. 

Call your team, call a colleague, call a friend. Heck! Step out and ask a stranger. 

Simply put, get the opinion of others and monitor them. 

Once you realize how others perceive your brand, you can refine it repeatedly until you have a perfect logo.

Step #5: Finalizing:

There you go. We just created a memorable logo that resonates with your brand’s values and sticks to the audience’s mind. 

Now, all you have to do is spread the word and let the magic happen. 

However, do not overwhelm your visitors with hard-to-read fonts or too bright colors. Remember, according to Linearity, a brand with a simple logo is 64% more likely to be recommended by consumers.


That’s it! on Guide To Creating A Memorable Logo. That’s precisely how to create an influential identity in five easy steps. 

Let’s take a re-examine the important steps:

  • Research — study what is working for your competitors and try to come up with a better solution.
  • Brainstorm — Now do the thinking and find brand ideas that resonate with your brand’s values. 
  • Design — Get a designer to start designing.
  • Get feedback — Get feedback from others, even if it’s a stranger.
  • Finalize — Finalize the design and start marketing.

Congrats! There you go…

Are we missing something? Do let us know in the comments.

Author Bio:

Emin is an award-winning graphic designer at Amberd Design Studio who loves to write articles like this in his free time. He also enjoys traditional art!

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